Comments (18)
No it's because no self respecting white would have them back
OMG can somebody give me the address?? Imagine a vacation for 2 weeks with these guys mmmmmmmm I don't think I will see any sun :) Black white yellow or red, it is the size that matters and nothing else!
Its the white who brought the the black to american,period.why didn't u ship them back when u had a better chance,so now call them names,hate them cause u have a small dick,I just don't get. Remember they paid taxes too,run this country,are movie stars,are rich,teach your children,etc........
mmmmm wish I was there. Imagine, all alone with those 3 guys mmmmm
They've probably got bad breaf from eatin' all them shrunkin' heads!
all white girls and guys don't fuck with ugly and idiot black girls and guys. pls keep in safe your beautiful white race!
boss... i totally understand ur frastration.... u've got a small dick (infact its a penis due to the sheer smallness) so.... TRY advising all u can but, ONCE u go black u NEVER go back coz of the simple logic tht SUGAR IS SWEET...UNTIL U TASTE HONEY :p
shut up idiot black! who wants to have black skin?? i think all even disgusting blacks guy and girl dont want a black skin! for example : micheal jackson use a pills and after that he has a white skin! why????? because he hate himself! and my dick enough for you 20 cm!!!
you are right man!I join you.
I don't know who tags this shit but someone really needs to teach then that NIGGER AND NIGGERS are not acceptable words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But they are niggers, aren't they? Mark Twain frequently used the word "nigger". It's a shame they are removing it now. What a bunch of pathetic hypocrites they are.
Where do you thing name of African country NIGERIA came from? And who do you think lives there? Afro-Africans? "Nigger" was an official name for people with black skin, nothing more then that, however some stupid hypocrites decided it is not acceptable any more! And how Afro-Africans call themselfs in "black" movies? - they call themselfs NIGGERS! So, NIGGERS it is!
ouch hotweels, a little jealous...? whahahahahaha I am as white as can be, and any selfrespecting human being like me should not give a *&*& for colour! Long long long time ago we all came from Africa and we were all black! Check it on the internet.