Comments (46)
geena, now you are at it again, "remove picture", are you in for censorship or what?
Why don't you people read all the comments before you put in your own comment. This is an advertisement about Absolut and they want you to remember the brand name Absolut, after reading all comments I think they have really made every commenter remember the name and that means "success".
yes, it is just a computer graphic, but some assholes think it's real and might try to do it , so why don't you guys who made this picture get a job and use your feeble imaginations doing something a little more positive.
You do all realize that this is a JOKE. A MADE UP THING. IT'S NOT REAL. NO ONE DOES THIS TO CATS. I agree it's not funny, but it's supposed to be a JOKE. Don't get your panties all in a bunch. Go here.
Assholes you do know they do that in some countries eh, andits not a funkin funni process, and they use muscle relaxant to get them in there!!
how did you get that little baby in there? Can the baby breathe? I hope you let it out immediatly. Poor kitty. I LOVE CATS!
I think everyone can undersand this is fake, that's exactly why is amazing..absolut has a great immagination...
it's just Computer Graphic... don't try this at home ^^
erm - actually about the 'some people who actually do this - bottle them until they're dead'... it was summin called Bonsai Kitties (and there was a site) however, all was a hoax. There was a HUGE uproar about it. It's called photo editor etc ;)
Do you really think they would stuff a cat in a bottle just to take a picture? It's made with computers, slugheads!
Its sick. Some people do this. Put a little kitty in a bottle and ceep it ther until its dead ant sell it! F***
Who cares if it is fake! It's still disgusting!! I dont think that things like that should be put on the net.
u ppl r debating werther this is real but ur missing 1 point A CAT CANT FIT THROUGH THE BOTTLE NECK!!!!
don't ya'll know that even bonzai kitty is fake?! der... its a hoax to stir up animal lovers, otherwise it would have been all over national news as soon as the first person complained to the animal rights people. *but the pic is NOT kute. at all. even the thought of it is sad.*
HEY THAT IS SO FAKE..... wow our technology has come heaps far if we can do that with graphics....if u fink dats gross dudes....ppl actually do that, they r called bonzi kittens...but that pic, is a fake one.
how could u put dis on da web? geez, cruelty 2 animals!!!!!
That is awesome! I just found your site from something someone sent to me from it! Tell the silly people that don't get it to open their eyes.
Sorry for U if U believe that´s fake. Try the URL again or look at
Naarf, only the stupid people believe that what's on, that's real!!!! A thousend newspaper wrote about that site, that was only a joke! Grow up! This pic is nice Photoshop reference... and absolute cute! :)
get a life and learn that certain pictures are doctored!!! its funny cuz i dnt like cats
Tried to contact them on the site "Naarf" referred to but it is impossible.. This is a FAKE. GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not for real. It is impossible for a cat to survive like that. You don´t have to be Einstein to know that. But if this ever happens for real and I get my hands on someone that tries this I´ll rip his/her head off.
This is SICK and sadly NO fake -> very sad how sick some people are..
this is real sick, some ppl. need to see a shrink, although he might not be able to cure them after all
this is really awfully and surely not cute! the poor cat!!! people who do that should be sticked in a bottle to feel how it tastes! in austria people who do that are called: TIERQUÄLER!!!
This ist absolut not cute. This is awfull. But it is real. I dont`t believe it but it is. Some people really do it and they sell cats in bottles. I`ve saw it on photos. I´m shocked.
Dont even need a photoshop. Just put a picture of a cat in the bottle
When you shake it up do little snowflakes fall down?...But really, it looks painful ,ow.
This is animal abuse!!! Those who do this should go to hell!!!
Oh for God's sake you brain dead morons! The freaking cat is not really in the bottle! Anyone with Photoshop and a little talent and imagination can make a pic just like this! Get you're panties out of a bunch and your heads out of your asses! Retards!!
This is not cute at all, I've heard some s..... pepole in South Korea do this!!!!
Disgusting photo. The makers of Absolut ought to be charged with animal abuse and this photo should be entered as evidence. I don't care if it's computer generated. Get this picture off this website.