Comments (8)
I was thinking - it is prophet, but on other hand - he would not use a toilet. Shit, wipe his butt with his finger and go make some bombs!
Dealing with international terror and a truly unresolvable mess: through humor. Please don't take away my apathetic bag of candy. I could hardly imagine what the professional cartoonists would draw if there came to be a confirmed conspiracy against Americans by the U.S. government. Right now, though, such talk is pooh-poohed. Me, though, I'm just a wanna-be pooh-pooher.
First of all, there are Irish, Communist, Modern Religionist, Radical Independent, etc terrorists. Secondly, this is more like a Sikh than Muslim.
All muslims are not terrorists, but, all terrorists are muslims.
hxxp;|| The terrorism has not been invented by muslims. This is only a tool in hand of those who can't fight openly. Please go back to school and learn if you did not at first time. By the way mman is just a racist bastard. This picture has nothing to do with terrorism. If you can see any connection between them, that only exists in your head. This is only a joke. The man has ran out of the toilet paper and he is using a piece of his turban instead. That's all. If this picture is frightening you, I feel very deep sorry for you guys.
fuck your mother all